Katie Overstreet is wife to Luke, mother to almost one-year-old Lydia, and a middle school special education teacher in Camanche, Iowa. Early in their marriage, Katie and Luke lived for a season as missionaries with Youth With A Mission (Y-WAM). They completed a schooling and outreach program working with refugees in Greece. She feels called to work with children and youth, wherever and however God leads. Katie also co-leads a Life Group and participates in various aspects of worship and children’s ministry at River Church in Clinton, IA.
(Youth Session)Seminar Title: Through it All
Seminar Description: Through it All will be about getting through the “tough stuff” in life, all while knowing that God is on your side through it ALL. We’ll be talking about real life – the good, the bad, and otherwise – and how we can see God moving and speaking to us in every way.